
Is there a cure?

There is no cure for the Tay-Sachs disease. There are ways to make the patient feel more comfortable. Some medicines and food nutrition can help some symptoms.


Is there any special kind of technology or procedures that can be used?

Scientist says that there is no way to prevent the disorder. But yet they’re still searching for a cure.


Is the disease fatal?

Tay- Sachs disease is very fatal to in infants. Usually the first six months of an infant everything is normal, and then once the nerve cells start to overreact the child gets brain damage, mental and physical abilities. Muscles start to atrophy and paralyzing occurs, it gets to the point where they will have to be fed by a feeding tube. Even with the best care children around 4 years old with the disease they die.


Are there any options for patients copping with the disease?

It could be controlled by seizer medication. Assisted reproductive therapy is an option carrier couples wouldn’t want risk of there child getting Tay-Sachs.